

12月2週 多読

12/12 水曜日 音読

  1. ORT 5 The Magic Key (273語)



  1. Old macdonalds noisy farm
  2. Bingo come home


12/13 木曜日 音読

  1. Old macdonalds noisy farm (171語)
  2. The old gray mare (196語)
  3. Red Rose Blue Violet and... (160語)
  4. I see you
  5. ORT 3 Kipper the Clown
  6. ORT 5 The magic key (273語)


12/14 金曜日 音読

  1. Old macdonalds noisy farm (171語)
  2. A Baby Bubmble bee (214語)
  3. The old gray mare (196語)
  4. Red Rose Blue Violet and... (160語)
  5. Dogs new coat (53語)
  6. Hurry up (39語)
  7. Bills new bike (49語)
  8. A cake for tea (52語)
  9. At the water hole (47語)
  10. Join the band (52語)

音声ペン読み聞かせ ORT Fireflies 2

  1. Fire engine
  2. Clown face
  3. Making muffin
  4. This is me
  5. Big and small